The Golden Age Within: Embodying Light and Healing for Earth's Ascension
“Your greatest power and service lies in unlocking your inner technology for your highest potential of embodying more Light and Love in this world.”
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It is not often acknowledged, the power which lies within the sacred human vehicle that is your human biology. Activating…
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Understanding Sacred Activism: Healing Yourself, Healing the Earth
In order to truly heal what is going on in this world, it must be done at the root level of the most powerful grids on the Planet.
The Sacred Presence of Spirit
The Sacred Presence of Spirit The breath is one of the most important ways in which you can begin your ascension process. It all begins with the breath; and it all ends with the breath…
The Divine Feminine & Masculine Principle Within
There’s much conversation around ‘Oneness’ and Unity Consciousness, but how does it really feel inside this body of ours when we go out into the world?
How can we really experience that in the deepest of ways?
The Age of Aquarius: A Shift in consciousness
In a world where many feel they are shooting in the dark, there still remains an underlying strength of goodwill and heart-led intention. Yet, the prevailing sentiment remains that we are still in the dark, grappling with issues that seem insurmountable.
Soul Embodiment: Divine Connection
You can incarnate your soul and live this reality as your Divine and True Self. Soul embodiment makes living a life of flow and ease possible.
The Path of Awakening in the Golden Age
The cosmic waves and rays of energy have already reached our planet, purifying it and signaling the impending Golden Age. Energy lines, surfacing in 2017, were a sign of what is happening now, and what is to come.
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