Building The Golden Age For The New Earth


Help People Live a Peaceful Life

  • Teaching a process by which people have access to help them alleviate the struggles of life.
  • Creating safe containers to have and integrate mystical experiences for profound healing, activation and transformation.  
  • Sharing the Ancient Wisdom Maps to your internal Technology and the way to activate this Super Consciousness. 
  • Creating a new template for Self Actualized Leadership and Community run by Resonance Technologies that provide revolutionary solutions for clean water, clean energy, regenerative agriculture and cutting edge medicine.                     
  • Partnering with and honoring the wisdom of Indigenous Nations as the voice of the Earth.
  • Preparing and training Light Leaders of the New Earth.
  • Merging sacred architecture with innovative technology to build sanctuaries, temples and immersive retreat centers that harmonically induct participants into their highest potential.



An Era of Peace

Peace Within

An Era of Peace

Peace Within

The Golden Age is a term used to describe what many belive to be the dawning of an era of peace, harmony, and balance. Learn how to cultivate super coherent states of awareness that ends suffering.


Peace Throughout


Peace Throughout

It is a time where humanity unites as one and experiences true freedom, and joy. Be surrounded by an awakened community that uphold you in the highest light.

Conscious Evolution

Peace For All

Conscious Evolution

Peace For All

We come together collectively to raise consciousness and create a world that works for everyone. Supporting global initiatives that inspires movements of world peace and Unity Consciousness.


We envision protected sanctuaries all around the world powered by clean energy and advanced resonant technologies, where we provide the highest level of Spiritual Education.

Universities situated in temple-like settings harmonically induct you through the doorway of greater awareness into Super Consciousness. The perfect setting for deep-diving Jedi Training.

A Retreat that allows the sacredness of heart-centered play and activates one’s inner discovery of mystical experiences.

We steward an Earth with lush green foliage, clean oceans and air where conscious cultures share ancestral wisdom and gather for global peace.

Children are nurtured, protected and empowered to realize their true greatness.

We are a loving compassionate Humanity that maintains Harmony through an awareness of our interconnected Oneness.

TwinRay Local and Global Give Back Initiatives

Local Community Initiatives for Golden Age Living and Stewarding Peace Through Service

Feeding Children Globally
TwinRay and our partners provide daily meals to over 2.1 Million children in 16 states and 2 union territories of India by supporting worthy foundations such as Akshaya Patra outside the US and Feeding America within the United States. In 2024 it is our year’s intention to partner with more organizations feeding not only children, but needy families in the USA. Our Local Ashland Community personally cooks and delivers abundant healthy, organic meals every week to the Local Homeless population. We will starting an even bigger initiative in 2024.
Homeless Local Initiative
Our Local TwinRay Community works in Tandem with The Peace House to personally come and cook, prepare and deliver meals. We do this once a week for the Ashland Homeless population’s men, women and children that have become circumstantially homeless for various reasons and provide a loving friend and guide to connect with and support their journey through life by giving them a friendly shoulder to lean on and warm food to nourish them. Our Intention is to strengthen this Homeless Initiative and invite more local people to contribute in 2024.
Hospice Local Initiative
End of Life care is one of the most valuable ways to give an aged or dying person the dignity that they deserve. Our Global and Local TwinRay Community is comprised of men and women of all ages with a large population of wise and learned people over the age of 60 because they have “been around the block” so to speak and after decades of searching, have finally found their home with TwinRay. We have partnered and supported the Celia’s House a local and helpful 501C 3 End of Life care facility where volunteers can donate their time and resources towards this very important cause. Our community has both donated funds as well as physically gone to support the education and practice of Hospice care.
Animal Sanctuaries
Our TwinRay Tribe is a very close knit community of mostly plant based and vegan eaters and truly loves animals. Our TwinRay Sanctuary sits on a 500 acre Elk Reserve that the TwinRay family helps to preserve and steward. We have also supported and personally donated to the Global White Lion Protection Trust in Africa and one day will plan a trip to see the White Lions with our community and present a check in person. In the future, along with our sanctuary builds, we too intend to have an animal sanctuary to serve and protect the “Big Cats” of the world.
Spiritual Activism
There are countless ways in which we show up with Spiritual Activism. The Founders of TwinRay Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji fearlessly flew directly into Wartime Israel and Palestine for resolution and Peace talks three weeks after the 2023 war began.TwinRay consistently supports humanity and the Earth to bring about the Golden Age and a world of Peace. Leading The World Peace Day Meditation broadcast along with great pioneers such as Sir Paul McCartney, Lighting of the Eight Fire in Mexico with Chief Phil Lane and the Indigenous ambassadors uniting 180 million people in the Americas and Africa, traveling to The Big Island to donate supplies and finances to the Kapuna ( Great Elders) of Mauna Keya during the battle between the Hawaiin People and the Unites states.
Water Stewardship
The TwinRay Tribe feels a deep stewardship for the waters of the Earth and has funded and supported “Deep Tech” that can revolutionize most every aspect of consumer and industrial water needs. The technology can be used in: desalinization, cleaning waste water streams, creating energy, transmuting sewage into hydrogen on demand and restoring lakes, rivers and even oceans. The founders have spent many decades studying the frequency fields of waters collected from various places all over the world. We collect waters from places where healings and miracles have been reported such as Lourdes in France. We work with water alchemists and utilize radionics to amplify the innate abilities, programability and gifts of water for countless purposes. Supporting the purification of water for generations to come is an essential part of creating the Golden Age and sustainable living for bio dynamic farming, responsible water consuming, restoration of aquatic life and honoring of water as life giving and affirming.
Leading Global Meditations
TwinRay is a leader and advocate for FREE large scale mass Global Meditations for peace. We come together every morning at 6:30 am to meditate and practice together. TwinRay has partnered with Unify who has brought together over 500 Million people for Global Service. Global Synchronized Events inspire community-driven action campaigns for service and World Peace. Revolution without love will never be sustaining long term. Coming together at specific times of the year in connection with the Earth’s is a power that was used in antiquity and now can change the world.
Land Preservation
The study of Epigenetics concludes that the expression of genes in an organism can be influenced by the environment, including the external world in which the organism is located or develops. This can also greatly impact a person’s mental and emotional wellbeing. Over the last three years, the founders of TwinRay have guided and certified hundreds of people to travel around the world and help the lands heal from trauma and alchemize and remove memories that the soils hold from social and geological trauma. The world is changing rapidly before our eyes and many countries in the world that have been at war or have long histories have undergone catastrophes and natural disasters. TwinRay has seen that people who live on lands and parts of countries that have undergone trauma unconsciously pick up that energy and create more of it in their own lives. It could show up in a small way in someone’s life or as a society zeitgeist. TwinRay students travel all over world and selflessly work to clear the lands with the intention to anonymously help the people’s emotional and mental wellbeing and instill another just another way to create peace on Earth.
Blessing Bags
Have you ever seen a child on Christmas morning smile with such innocence and appreciation? This feeling is a similar experience our TwinRay Tribe receives when we deliver these Blessing Bags to filled with essential toiletries, medical supplies, blankets, beanies Prayer cards, toiletries, and many other surprises inside. The founders of TwinRay have been making these bags and going to hand pick, purchase and pack them all themselves and now have invited the TwinRay Tribe to join them. Giving time and resources to help one in need only expands the heart even wider and reminds us all of the Kindness required in Humankind.


Creating a Better World for Generations to Come

We do this by building coherent communities and teaching Embodied Leadership inside of Golden Age architecture,  which catalyzes higher states of awareness and healing. 

We financially support innovators of Resonant Technology based on unified science, bringing solutions for the Earth and Humanity.

Indigenous leaders are the voice and spirit of the Earth. We honor and collaborate with them to keep the world in harmony. 

Our dedication is steadfast in continuing to build alliances that assist the rising tide of awakening, that lifts all ships in selfless service to a better world.


Living as Love

“Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji are master teachers modeling the purity of divine union.”
“They are devoted to raising the vibration of humanity and have immense gifts in helping others to reach their Highest Potential.”
“I had not realized how I had been limiting my highest potential until I activated my real inner powers on this path. It’s been unimaginable synchronicities, miracles and soul alignment.”
“Beyond any plant medicine ceremony or breathwork I’ve ever done, these are truly advanced practices and elegant in their simplicity”
“They have tremendously impacted my life in such a short time, it completely blew my mind. Together they are just pure Magic.”
“Even after doing decades of personal and spiritual development work these teachings were miraculous and a Quantum Upgrade for both me and my wife..”

Teaching from their own life experience of Intensive Initiations, these  Alchemists, Healers and Mystics, share the secrets to physical Longevity and the Soul Embodiment of our Human Potential

Awakening is just the beginning; Seekers become Seers.


We partner with other consciously aligned organizations to co-create the Golden Age together.

“When we stand together as One Voice, then we will see a true transformation to Planetary stewardship.”

- Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji

sine logo

Advancing the Unified Collaboration and Contributions of Indigenous Peoples toward a more harmonious, prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable World. Promoting sustainable growth, unified collaboration, and contributions through like-minded peoples and tribal sovereign communities throughout the Americas and Pacific. Building and implementing open source, decentralized, and self-sovereign networks: digital ledgers for more secure cultural data preservation and social and economic exchange. A 40+ year Indigenous-led holistic movement, based on ancient wisdom and co-development, aiming for a more peaceful, environmentally safe, and harmonious world.

Four Worlds

The Union of the Condor, Hummingbird Quetzal, and the eagle (UCHQE) An evolving decentralized cooperative union of Indigenous communities throughout the Americas and Pacific Rim aimed at establishing greater unity, collective impact, and mutual prosperity in the modern era. This major Indigenous-led initiative is united through their shared history, sacred teachings, prophecies, and a vision dedicated to manifesting their important wisdom and collective solutions to a more inclusive, environmentally secure, peaceful, and sustainable legacy for all humankind. Centuries ago, a similar thriving Union of the Condor, Hummingbird, Quetzal, and the Eagle flourished among the Indigenous peoples of the Americas.

Condor and Eagle

Reimagine our world and move beyond our current reality of living at odds with the world around us to living in harmony. We will work in partnership with our surroundings and tap into an infinite energy source to move into a progressive future. We will work in tandem with our changing world to create world changing products.


The Global Peace Tribe is a community of people dedicated to personal growth, spiritual awakening, collective transformation and universal peace-building. We cultivate hope, connection and illumination through enlightening media, shows, workshops, special events and community gatherings. The Global Peace Tribe features heartfelt, soul-stirring, awe-inspiring speakers, musicians and entertainers and focuses on uplifting, thought-provoking, and meaningful topics. We are a global community fostering the transition into a more awake, just and beautiful world.

Global Peace Tribe

Integrative medicine, resonance science and technology come together. We believe that a healthy body thrives when it is in resonance with nature and it is our mission to help people achieve that balance. Led by Chief Medical Officer Dr. Beth McDougall MD, we have created a space where our clients are empowered to take control of their health. We are guides, showing our clients the path to finding the solutions they seek to live “better.”

Jyzen Labs

Global Orphan Prevention Global Orphan Prevention is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that prevents the abduction of children for purposes of the orphan trade or child sex trafficking through our 3 Es for prevention: Empowerment, Education, and Economic Development. We envision a world in which families are able to stay together, and where no child is forgotten or separated because of economic disadvantage in health, income, or circumstance. We envision the reverberation of a world in which the familial value will have an exponential impact beyond the individual.

Global Orphan Prevention

Divine Mother’s Love Unifying Humanity Women everywhere taking the helm of transcendent leadership envisioning a flourishing Planet where Love’s joy, beauty, peace, harmony and celebration abound. Bringing love into action to birth a world where violence and war no longer exist. Cherishing and treasuring our Mother Earth in all her majesty and our humanity in the truth of our divinity: ancient and sovereign – imperishable and everlasting. Thriving in enlightening partnership with all of creation and the expanding cosmos. Cultivating integrity and trust to restore balance in our families, our communities, and with Mother Earth. In responsibility to our human evolution and devotion to the generations ahead of us and behind us, we establish sovereign peace beginning NOW.

Divine Mother's Love

Field Futures is revolutionizing mining and natural resources as we know it. They utilize resonance physics to extract minerals and metals with no chemicals and very little water. In some cases they have been able to increase yields by up to 700%.

Field Futures

The Haven has partnered with families in countries all over the world that hold specialties in their origins of product and services. Each product is specifically crafted to uphold the life of a Divine Human.

The Haven

Manna Vitality provides the highest quality supplements to revitalize human health by using Himalayan shilajit, Dead Sea ormus, bioavailable macro, ionic and trace minerals, essential enzymes and nootropics. supplements offer solutions for human health in the areas of energy, brain performance, libido, immune system defense, vitality and longevity.

Manna Vitality

We know that finding a meaningful and rewarding job can be a long journey. Our goal is to make this process as easy as possible for you, and to provide you with a work environment where you'll enjoy working.

Sonaphi SINE (Synergized Impact Network Exchange) is a global alliance of social innovators committed to large scale behavior change through collaborative learning, innovation, and unprecedented unified action.

Sine Nework

Compass Rose International Helping young people reach their potential! Compass Rose inspires young women to connect to their greatest potential, their dreams, their passions, and to show up, unapologetically. Our programming gives them a means of self-calibrating back to their True North.

Compassion Rose International

The Ambient Energy Cell technology extracts a very small amount of energy from the field like an atom, a magnet, or all things in nature. It has produced the world’s first continuous energy supply. This technology produces over 500 times the energy density of lithium cells. The AEC cell extracts energy from the electromagnetic field and is a conduit of electricity. It is long lasting with a 12+ year lifespan. It is durable being water resistant, has a high tolerance for hot and cold temperatures, and cannot be shorted out. It does not overheat, is non-combustible and is made from readily available, low-cost materials.

Ambient Energy Cell

Aether Vibes has made a radical new development in the field of scalar field devices to help create coherent energy fields and enhance coupling to the electromagnetic field with all biological structures having massive implications for human health, energy, communications and more.

Aether Vibes

The technology used by Aeon can revolutionize most every aspect of consumer and industrial water needs. The device-pictured here will be the world's first consumer device to provide plasma activated water, that is pure and can be programmed for any application. The technology can be used in: desalinization, cleaning waste water streams, creating energy, transmuting sewage into hydrogen on demand and restoring lakes, rivers and even oceans.


Leading Innovations In Conscious Living

Modern Day Solutions For The World's Future



Online and in-person training, 

Scholarships and Holistic certifications 

in applied ancient wisdom unified with modern 

science for transforming human awareness. 



Major discoveries in disease resolution,
Viral detection, Longevity, Energy Healing
Bio-Regeneration and Optimization that
change Human Health as we know it.



We donate funds, services and volunteers
to World Peace missions and initiatives
that supporting children, the planet and
humanity’s evolution.

Regenerative Tech

Regenerative Tech

We have partnered with the most cutting edge Resonance Technology innovations to:


RAISE YIELDS with Frequency

Land Stewardship Fund

Land Stewardship Fund

We procure, safeguard and restore legacy sacred lands for the Golden Age in Ashland, Oregon and around the world for future generations.



We partner with Mother Earth and Indigenous leaders to keep the balance:

60% lush lands preserved or brought back to thriving life and biodynamic gardens

25% Organic Permaculture + renewable energy

15% Sustainable architecture, evolved eco housing, community living.

Visit our Golden Age Sanctuary

A Sustainable Regenerative Haven for Peace…
Our Main Divine Union Temple…

Main temple in Ashland, Oregon on 140 Acres

Future Manifestations

BioResonant Architecture

To support the next build phase you may contribute below or send us a message.

Become a Beacon of Light and a Luminary of Love.

If you want to experience heaven on Earth then reflect upon these questions.

Do you want to heal yourself and support the healing of the Earth at the same time?

Do you feel the calling inside your heart to be a part of this sacred mission?

Discover the life you were born to live.

People just like you have empowered themselves to live the Golden Age timeline.  Let’s anchor heaven on Earth together.