Through the relationship of the Feminine and Masculine dynamic, we illuminate the essence of Unity Consciousness and the path laid out for each individual.
There’s much conversation around ‘Oneness’ and Unity Consciousness, but how does it really feel inside this body of ours when we go out into the world?
How can we really experience that in the deepest of ways?
In the Law of One, there is a beautiful lesson of service at play, leading us from service to self and the other, into the grand Unity that binds all of creation. Because the true origins of Kryst Consciousness, the Christos Sophia, is rooted in the relationship between the Masculine and Feminine. You begin to embody this Divine Nature within yourself when you honor the two.
As we walk the path of Unity Consciousness, we learn to see all beings as reflections of the Divine, cultivating a love that transcends judgment and separation. Exploring the Law of One, we uncover a sacred science linked to Kryst Consciousness.
The Origin of Kryst
When we speak of the word ‘Kryst’ what are we talking about? In contrast to the more widely recognized ‘Christ’ spelled as C-H-R-I-S-T, Kryst has distinct origins rooted in the ancient Greek lexicon of ‘Christos.’
Our focus here extends to the exploration of Christos Sophia, where ‘Christos’ embodies the Masculine, harmoniously complemented and united with Sophia, the Feminine.
The Logos of the Universe
The Cosmic Kryst operates as the cosmic office and Logos of the Universe, serving as the overseeing principle and container responsible for sustaining, creating, and transforming the universal expression of life.
With the resurgence of Sophia, which is the wisdom being brought back, Spirit and Matter (MATA, or Mother) can really merge. And so, it is the Sophia Consciousness that awakens the spiritual essence inside of the MATA, or the material body. And that is what’s being brought forth now: the marriage of Spirit and Matter.
This leads us into what the Christos Sophia really is:
Harmony of the Cosmic Laws, expressing itself through the principle of Unity Consciousness. The process of harmonizing unlocks higher dimension and perceptions of one’s higher Self, and one’s reality. Again, a relationship between all aspects of the self, in the micro and macro perspective.
The principle of Liberation is inherent in Kryst, and those who choose the path of Union—through choosing Love, Harmony, and balance, through loving and forgiving practices—embodies the Divine Masculine and Feminine principles within. Thus, manifests the Christos Sophia.
The Chosen
“Many are called; few are chosen.” Few choose themselves to really walk this path, letting all things go, to return to your spiritual sovereignty (freedom). In order to do that, you must balance the Christos Sophia. This Wisdom, once held by the Gnostics 2000 years ago, particularly through the Mary Magdalene aspect, was preserved by the Templars due to its profound reverence and empowerment.
The teachings focus on becoming a living embodied Kryst, walking upon the Earth, and are now accessible to those who choose this path. And that is simply to choose yourself, again and again and agin.
Wisdom vs. Knowledge
There’s this saying that knowledge—the ultimate knowledge—does not become wisdom until it’s expressed. You can see that balance between the expression and action of the Christos merging with the Sophia.
The Sophia is like a womb creatrix that holds everything together. That allows Creation to happen; to take place. And the Spirit, the breath of the Father, comes through into matter—the true cross (where Spirit crosses Matter, and merges with Matter). As that merging takes place, that allows the balance of both dimensions—the unconscious (Spirit) realm, and the conscious (visible/physical) realm—to be.
They are always complementing each other in this symbiotic relationship. Unified; together, as one.
Throughout history, time and time again, those that were given power forgot the principles of the Sacred Marriage and its sacred balance. The reawakening of the Christos Aurora and Sophia energy, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, is likened to the Higher Self Universe, and the harmonious and balanced existence available to all those who choose it…
Now is the time.
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